The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
Never would I have considered this transformational, but to hear the guests who come to dinner at my home talk, it is. So, I'm sharing it with you today. You can
People who "don't cook" are especially going to thank me.
Yes, I know you're out there. You're the one who signs up for the church covered dish dinners, telling the lady in charge: "Just to let you know, I don't cook..." hoping to sign up for rolls in a bag or a bakery item. Or soda. ("Pop", for those of you in places like southwest Pennsylvania or Ohio.)
You feel like you're the only one.
You're not.
You've been teased.
You've been mocked.
You've been misunderstood.
Nobody grasps your plight where it concerns the culinary disadvantages that are your reality.
I'm here to help you overcome all that.
It's a new day, my friend.
Your days of taking pop to potlucks are OVER.
[Shout now!]
You have been domestically challenged your whole life, where the kitchen is concerned.
But never will you be disgraced again.
You are about to make a salad that is so scrumptious, it would make a tadpole slap a whale.
So delicious it would make a little tiny bulldog break a great big chain.
Your humiliation has an end date.
Because you're going to take this to your next church potluck.
Or to your friend's house for dinner.
And lo and behold some of you are even going to go so far as to invite people over. [Gasp!]
And for once and they are going to be
This will take you all of five minutes to make.
And, I promise you will have none left in the bowl when you serve it. My dinner guests have eaten every speck of this even when I have three more courses coming their way.
There's nothing homemade about it. Nothing.
It's four ingredients that you purchase.
That's right, you're about to shamelessly BUY people's adoration.
(Relax. There is nothing illegal involved.)
It's about purchasing the right ingredients, particularly the dressing, makes all the difference. You can't use a bottled dressing in the regular aisle.
Yes, I know the ones that aren't refrigerated are cheaper.
But on this, please splurge.
Get cheaper paper towels. Or butter. Or salt.
But don't skimp on this.
You absolutely have to use Marzetti Supreme Caesar Dressing in the refrigerated section usually found next to the bags of pre-washed salad mix, carrots, etc.
I am getting no kick back for telling you this.
Marzetti has no idea who I am.
I am a nobody to these people, I assure you.
It is simply out of the kindness of my heart that I share this secret with you.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT get another dressing and think you will get the same results.
You won't.
And then you will blame me.
You will complain that your salad was less than stellar.
You will deflect this criticism onto me and actually it will be your own projected issues we will be dealing with. The disappointing outcome will be because you tried to substitute something else for the Marzetti dressing. Don't make this devastating mistake.
Alright, so are you ready to get started on this simple yet revolutionary act that is going to change your entertaining world as you know it?
These are your four ingredients for a salad people are going to scream about are:
(This amount serves about four people)
1 entire bag of pre-washed and cut romaine lettuce mix
About 1/2 bag or box of Caesar croutons (My favorite are Fresh Gourmet Deli Style Parmesan Caesar or Brownberry Caesar.)
About 1/2 bag of shredded parmesan (6 oz bag)
Do not skimp on the cheese, please! Do not use 1/3 do not use a 1/4. Please, do us proud. Do the right thing when it comes to the cheese.
About 1/2 jar of Marzetti Supreme Caesar Salad Dressing
If you want to make this for 8 people, double it. Yep, sheeeer genuis!
See, you do not have to cook a thing, my friend. You can even grab all these ingredients on the way to a party and borrow a bowl from your hostess. And I guarantee, there will be raving. Raving, I tell you.
I mix it all up immediately before serving.
Don't mix it up beforehand and take it somewhere even though you don't want people to see your four store-bought ingredients. No, no, no. Do not make that colossal mistake. Okay, I know, I know... that's a tad bit dramatic. Do not make this
If I'm serving this at home, I don't ever serve it along with the rest of the meal. It's worthy of it's own course. I always put this on the table first alongside some fresh warm bread. Making amazing bread is a whole 'nother level, but I am here to help you conquer the giant. I show you how in this step-by-step tutorial I created with the help of my adoring
My guests always remark that they just want to keep eating this salad but need to be careful to save room. Nevertheless I always wash an empty salad bowl. They just keep taking another bite here and there til' it's all gone.
