Twenty four years ago today at 12:45 AM, at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, in Camden, New Jersey... it happened.
I became the mother of one of the greatest people to ever walk the planet.
And, I met my first blood relative.
It was my first time to ever look into the face of a relative who resembled me in any way.
I will never forget looking into his little face, and seeing something of myself. This was that moment...
Looking at my newborn son while the cord is cut... |
The wonder.
The awe.
Life with him has been the best experience, ever.
With his Daddy after getting all cleaned up. |
Our new little family, a few days after he was born. |
His first Sunday in church, one week after birth. |
He has always loved pizza. This works out well now that he's a youth pastor. |
He has always loved to sleep. He rarely gets to these days, he's so busy. |
He has always been drawn to music, and gifted at it. |
He figured out how to program the keyboard when he was two. |
He couldn't wait to drive! |
Has always loved dogs. This was his first, Smitty, who we had when he was born. |
He has always loved to laugh. |
He always looks so handsome dressed up. |
He's has always loved cookies. |
He has always made us proud, every day. |
Happy birthday, Dustin! You will always be my baby no matter how old you get.