The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
Today's our last day in Boston before we head to the Berkshires.
We had a fantastic day yesterday, painting the town with Lou and Nina Zinnanti. They've been showing us all the hot spots of this beautiful town, and been so gracious.
Savanna found this necklace for me. Since this is what lots of my friends have called me for umpteen years, it was just perfect...
Plus it was 50% off. How could I not justify wearing the wonder, at half the price? I want to point out that this is my first Wonder Woman purchase. All of the other stockpile of memorabilia that fills my home and office comes from friends, co-workers, church members, etc. over the years. Shout out to all who have given me everything from WW pajamas to lunch boxes to mugs to you name it.
Then, I also found a phone case, for me. I got a new phone back in August, when I was at Ormond Beach and forgot that my phone was tucked into my bathing suit top and spontaneously decided to run and jump in the waves.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So much for spontaneity.Well, maybe it should be "so much for putting my phone in my swimsuit top."
I've waited six months to get a case because I'm the type of person who waits to get what I really want. Jordan gave me his old OtterBox in the meantime, and I have appreciated it. But quite frankly, although they protect a phone a lot more than the decorative cases I enjoy, I find most of the colors and Otterbox designs to be so borrrrrrring! I hate plain. Loathe boring. Gimme the color, send on the bling!
My daughter is really talented at finding things that are so "me". She pointed out this phone case and said, "Oh my gosh Mom, that's soooooooo you!" She was right.
Of course, on this occasion she had to add: "Mom, this is just another reason why you need to listen to me about everrrrything!!! Everything, I tell you!"
Mmmmmkay, okay, orrrrrr maybe not. :) Depends on whether we're talking about a phone case, Or house chores. Or "attitude". :)
So here we go, drumroll new phone case!
If you're wondering,I know, this has been on your mind the entire post, the flowers and pearls are glued on to the case, they are 3-D, not painted on. Soooooo cool, huh?
Dustin says, "Mom, this thing is so hard to hold. These flowers poke out. Isn't that going to drive you crazy?"
No, actually I kind of like it that I will be able to more easily find it, feeling around in the black hole otherwise known as my purse.Wonder Woman carries a big bag that holds all her tools of wonder.
Last night Larry also took Savanna to Fenway Park. That was something really important to both of them, as huge sports fans.
It's been snowing, and cooooooold. So cold.Yesterday it was so cold, I saw a democrat outside with his hands in his own pockets. I've even been wearing layers to sleep. I forgot what it was like to be this cold. I also forgot what it was like to dread taking off my clothes to get in the shower. Ha ha! Larry has gotten us Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate every night. He asks, "who wants to go with me to go get it?" Dustin and I stay snug in our respective beds all bundled up under the covers, and whine about not wanting to go back out in the cold. (We are so much alike.) Savanna gets her coat, hat and gloves on and goes with him every time. Such a Daddy's girl.
Today we are worshipping at Christ the Rock Church here in Boston. I'm going to sing and Larry's going to preach, and then we're spending the afternoon with Pastors Lou and Kris Zinnanti and their family. Can't wait!
We miss our Celebration family but we're having a super time. And...we get to pick up Jordan from the airport tonight!!! Eeeeekkk!!!!!! Can't wait.
We had a fantastic day yesterday, painting the town with Lou and Nina Zinnanti. They've been showing us all the hot spots of this beautiful town, and been so gracious.
Savanna found this necklace for me. Since this is what lots of my friends have called me for umpteen years, it was just perfect...
Plus it was 50% off. How could I not justify wearing the wonder, at half the price? I want to point out that this is my first Wonder Woman purchase. All of the other stockpile of memorabilia that fills my home and office comes from friends, co-workers, church members, etc. over the years. Shout out to all who have given me everything from WW pajamas to lunch boxes to mugs to you name it.
Then, I also found a phone case, for me. I got a new phone back in August, when I was at Ormond Beach and forgot that my phone was tucked into my bathing suit top and spontaneously decided to run and jump in the waves.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So much for spontaneity.
I've waited six months to get a case because I'm the type of person who waits to get what I really want. Jordan gave me his old OtterBox in the meantime, and I have appreciated it. But quite frankly, although they protect a phone a lot more than the decorative cases I enjoy, I find most of the colors and Otterbox designs to be so borrrrrrring! I hate plain. Loathe boring. Gimme the color, send on the bling!
My daughter is really talented at finding things that are so "me". She pointed out this phone case and said, "Oh my gosh Mom, that's soooooooo you!" She was right.
Of course, on this occasion she had to add: "Mom, this is just another reason why you need to listen to me about everrrrything!!! Everything, I tell you!"
Mmmmmkay, okay, orrrrrr maybe not. :)
So here we go, drumroll new phone case!
If you're wondering,
Dustin says, "Mom, this thing is so hard to hold. These flowers poke out. Isn't that going to drive you crazy?"
No, actually I kind of like it that I will be able to more easily find it, feeling around in the black hole otherwise known as my purse.
Last night Larry also took Savanna to Fenway Park. That was something really important to both of them, as huge sports fans.
It's been snowing, and cooooooold. So cold.
Today we are worshipping at Christ the Rock Church here in Boston. I'm going to sing and Larry's going to preach, and then we're spending the afternoon with Pastors Lou and Kris Zinnanti and their family. Can't wait!
We miss our Celebration family but we're having a super time. And...we get to pick up Jordan from the airport tonight!!! Eeeeekkk!!!!!! Can't wait.
