The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
This is such a busy weekend for us and today is a very special day because it's Savanna's 8th grade dance! I'm so excited for her!! Here's a photo of her that we took at the beach - one of my favs...I don't have photos yet from the dance tonight because it hasn't happened yet as of the writing of this blog but I plan to have a photo or two to share later if she'll agree to it. (You never know with teens...she'll probably be peeved that I posted this beach photo, but forgiveness is better than permission, right?! lol) I am excited about her event tonight. It is basically their farewell from 8th grade. She's done so well and has been on the high honor roll her entire time in middle school. We finally found "the perfect dress" and shoes, and so on and so on. I really wish we had all day to get ready for this but she also decided she doesn't want to miss out on the youth tubing trip to Rainbow River today. So...she's going, and will get home in the nick of time to shower, have me help set her hair in hot rollers (at least that's the plan for now - she might change midstream to curling iron or flat iron, or who knows what, put make up on and have us take her over to the event.) I'm looking forward to this for her -- I know it will be a special night for her and her friends. A few weeks ago they had their 8th grade trip and she had such a good time.
I actually considered going tubing with them today however since I'm getting ready to leave town and preach this week and still have to get two messages put to bed that aren't finalized, I opted to stay. Not to mention, tomorrow is Sunday and I don't do well with a full day's activities on Saturday when preparing my body and mind for all that Sunday entails. I have to quiet myself on Saturday or it just doesn't flow the same for me anymore. I am not sure whether this is part of the process of getting older or whether I'm just getting disciplined and smarter about how I prepare myself. I'd like to think it's the discipline and not the age. Ha!
At any rate this will give me plenty of time to work on finalizing my messages and get the styling products all lined up and ready for Savanna's arrival home.

In other news, we are having such a baby boom at Celebration. Right now we have 6 newborn babies either just born or getting ready to be born. Our latest Celebrator was just born on Thursday - Joshua John (J.J.) Torres. Here I am with him yesterday at the hospital.
And finally, I feel like posting another picture of Max (I never tire of it) so here's a recent photo of him in the place he loves most - lounging on our bed. Imagine this 100 lb dog coming and laying on you in the morning to wake you up!! If he wasn't yours it would drive you crazy, but being that he's my baby, it's not only welcome, it's endearing. You know how Moms understand their baby's different "cry's"? I understand his different "whines". He has a certain whine that says, "I have to go outside". Then he has another whine that means, "Kayte made a mess. Come see it." Then he has another whine that means, "I need a drink." Yet another whine means "I want a treat/bone." It's amazing how I can decipher just what he wants. I love this pup if you haven't figured it out yet. I am crazy about Maddie too, by the way. She's such a beautiful, gentle soul and I never lose my love for her. Max is simply different because he's such a "baby" and as my husband noted yesterday Maddie is content to be in another room by herself sometimes or to be on her own but Max is never out of our sight and requires lots more cuddle time. I gladly give it.
And that, my friends, is the potpourri of stuff going on today at our home...just thought I'd take a break from the serious stuff I've posted this week and talk about babies, dances and dogs for a while.
I actually considered going tubing with them today however since I'm getting ready to leave town and preach this week and still have to get two messages put to bed that aren't finalized, I opted to stay. Not to mention, tomorrow is Sunday and I don't do well with a full day's activities on Saturday when preparing my body and mind for all that Sunday entails. I have to quiet myself on Saturday or it just doesn't flow the same for me anymore. I am not sure whether this is part of the process of getting older or whether I'm just getting disciplined and smarter about how I prepare myself. I'd like to think it's the discipline and not the age. Ha!
At any rate this will give me plenty of time to work on finalizing my messages and get the styling products all lined up and ready for Savanna's arrival home.

In other news, we are having such a baby boom at Celebration. Right now we have 6 newborn babies either just born or getting ready to be born. Our latest Celebrator was just born on Thursday - Joshua John (J.J.) Torres. Here I am with him yesterday at the hospital.

And that, my friends, is the potpourri of stuff going on today at our home...just thought I'd take a break from the serious stuff I've posted this week and talk about babies, dances and dogs for a while.

Take some time for you and prepare...I know rest is hard for you, because you are always so busy, but you do deserve DEANNA TIME....
luv you lots!!!!