Yesterday was the last day we had with my "in-love's" here in Florida. They leave to go back to Maryland today. We were very blessed to be with them for a week, but sure wish it could have been two weeks. :) Maybe next time. They don't come to Florida very often and we treasure any time that we have with them.
Larry and I took the day off yesterday and allowed Savanna to stay home from school. She's a straight A student and doesn't really miss much when it's just one day and she easily makes it up. We went to one of our favorite places ~ Tarpon Springs, and ate greek food at
Hellas Restaurant and Bakery (the BEST greek food ANYWHERE, hands down!) and walked along the sponge docks and shopped. I got some of the almond soap and scrubs from a store called Lori's that
I've shared about here before that I love so much. Even if you don't live here in Florida and have access to go there to shop I'd recommend that you purchase her soaps and scrubs especially if you need to clear up any skin problems. I use her goat's milk and olive oil bars ($3.75 each) and her sea salt body scrub ($8.95 or $14.95 depending on what size you get) in almond scent. It leaves your skin very smooth and I also use her sponges to clean my face. It's only $1 or 2 for a small sponge. You can go and purchase all this
here if you are ordering over the internet. By the way, I'm not friends with the owner, nor do I get paid to write this on my blog ~ I just believe in the product and that's why I'm writing this.
We went to Howard Park to see the sunset after we were done eating and shopping. It was a lovely Valentines Day as you can see...
Savanna and I took a walk together |
Mom and Dad "on the rocks" (lol) | | | | | |
I know I'm partial here but my daughter is just a bee-autiful girl! |
Savanna said, "Ma, it's a little bit cold out here but the sand between your toes is the most amazing feeling ever, so just go ahead and do it. I did. I'm starting to look forward to summer a little bit especially since we live in paradise. |
Daddy's girl |
Happy girl! Yay! Out of school and with the grandparents!!! |
My man! For Valentines Day he gave me a dozen roses, and I gave him a book he has been wanting, "1000 Places to Visit Before You Die." I gave him a card that said that I am looking forward to visiting as many places as possible together for the rest of our lives. :) |
I really never tire of watching sunsets |
Larry took this photo ~ isn't it beautiful? |