The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
So as I mentioned in my post on Friday I've been watching Sister Wives on TLC. It's like passing a bad accident on the side of the road. You just can't help but slow down and look.
Watching it last night I was mostly noticing all the crying the three "wives" were doing over Robin (Kody's new fiancee) joining the family. Robin was doing her own share of crying too, over "hurting the wives". ::sigh:: I resisted the urge several times to scream at the TV.
These women have become delusional. They think this whole arrangement actually has redeeming spiritual qualities. What a crock. I almost fell off my bed several times while watching especially when one of the wives said that Kody had "prayed about it and come home with a testimony about Robin." Oh PUH-lease!!!
They should have owned stock in kleenex they cried so much this episode. But here's the thing -- they have chosen this lifestyle. They have quite literally made their bed. And now they are laying in it. And crying.
Crying over little time with Kody.
Crying over sharing him with Robin.
Crying because he has kissed Robin.
Crying because things won't be the same.
From the outside looking in we can clearly see the wrong thinking involved here on their parts, but they actually think all this makes sense. It's amazing how the enemy can spin things to make them sound acceptable.
As deceived as we think these women on Sister Wives are, I have to say that I know some people who are not polygamists who are living in the same emotional mindset.
People who chose their own circumstances, and then cry over them.
People who want others to feel sorry for them even though they haven't changed.
People who resort to attention getting behavior, rather than owning their actions that brought them to the place they are in.
People who think RELIEF comes without REPENTANCE.
There is a reason the Lord told Moses to tell the people to stop crying and move forward. That is a word for some people today...stop CRYING about your choices and DO something about them. If the Word talks about it, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Are you crying over something that is only remedied by a repentant heart, accompanied by a change in your actions? The answer to a bad choice is repentance and then bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
Sister Wives is a fascinating case study of sinful behavior, choices and consequences.
**Note, in this post I am talking specifically about sinful choices and consequences, not clinical depression. Big difference.
Watching it last night I was mostly noticing all the crying the three "wives" were doing over Robin (Kody's new fiancee) joining the family. Robin was doing her own share of crying too, over "hurting the wives". ::sigh:: I resisted the urge several times to scream at the TV.
These women have become delusional. They think this whole arrangement actually has redeeming spiritual qualities. What a crock. I almost fell off my bed several times while watching especially when one of the wives said that Kody had "prayed about it and come home with a testimony about Robin." Oh PUH-lease!!!
They should have owned stock in kleenex they cried so much this episode. But here's the thing -- they have chosen this lifestyle. They have quite literally made their bed. And now they are laying in it. And crying.
Crying over little time with Kody.
Crying over sharing him with Robin.
Crying because he has kissed Robin.
Crying because things won't be the same.
From the outside looking in we can clearly see the wrong thinking involved here on their parts, but they actually think all this makes sense. It's amazing how the enemy can spin things to make them sound acceptable.
As deceived as we think these women on Sister Wives are, I have to say that I know some people who are not polygamists who are living in the same emotional mindset.
People who chose their own circumstances, and then cry over them.
People who want others to feel sorry for them even though they haven't changed.
People who resort to attention getting behavior, rather than owning their actions that brought them to the place they are in.
People who think RELIEF comes without REPENTANCE.
There is a reason the Lord told Moses to tell the people to stop crying and move forward. That is a word for some people today...stop CRYING about your choices and DO something about them. If the Word talks about it, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Are you crying over something that is only remedied by a repentant heart, accompanied by a change in your actions? The answer to a bad choice is repentance and then bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
Sister Wives is a fascinating case study of sinful behavior, choices and consequences.
**Note, in this post I am talking specifically about sinful choices and consequences, not clinical depression. Big difference.

True story. Yesterday, I was deep in worship during the moring service. "Mrs. I Heard From The Lord" walked to my seat, put her arm around me and told me, "The Lord spoke to me and said that you need to give up your past, and you know what I mean." I told her I had no idea what she was talking about. She then said, "Let's pray that the Lord will reveal it to you." Not wanting to make a fuss, I went along. This is the 3rd time this has happened from this person in the past month. I believe this is of the devil trying to stop my praise. I spoke to my pastor's wife and she suggested I talk to her right away. (This woman drives me crazy. I know I probably shouldn't say that but she is constantly having "a word", about many people, but she is never correct.) Suggestions on what to say???
I am finding it hard to believe that this "choice" is a happy, wonderful alternative lifestyle when they show one of the wives crying just about every frame - including the one who isn't even a wife yet!
Ruth, my advice would be to do exactly what your PW said and the first thing I would tell her is, "please do not interrupt me as I am worshipping..." Also watch where/how you sit. For instance, are you sitting on the aisle when she approaches you? Sit on the inside and put your husband on the aisle so she would have to ask him to move in order to talk to you.She may not be willing to do that -- it may be enough to deter her. Sit between 2 people and don't make it easy for her to get to you. Ultimately she DOES need to be talked to because she's going to keep going to others in the congregation and this is just inappropriate.
I never even considered where I sit. My husband is on the praise and worship team and I do sit on the aisle. But I think the kiddos just got promoted there! haha. Thank you, and yes, I am going to speak with her. I just really hate to confront. but who does...really. Thanks a bunch!!
Sister wives... Plueeeaaassse. I don't think so. I am not a jealous person at all, I know where my hubby sleeps and he is there EVERY NIGHT. That, well he, is the one thing I refuse to share, he is my own treasure. Also, the fact of the matter is how sad that I am Que's treasure and he treats me like one, how sad it is that none of these women are treasured for themselves alone. I am my husband's one outlet for intimacy. These women can't even say they are their husband's only one.
How sad.