The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
I knew it was going to be an unforgettable night on Sister Wives when I heard the opening statement tonight from Kody: "I don't wanna be kissin' my girlfriend while my wife's in labor!"
I was going to do a commentary with my thoughts on last night's episode but once I wrote down the following quotes for my blog I realized, there is no need to expound. The quotes speak for themselves, except you do have to imagine the fact that they are crying the majority of the time while saying all this. Apparently I'm not alone in my observation that for all the talk they do about this "happy" lifestyle choice there is more crying on this reality show than any other I've seen. After this post, one of my readers, Pastor Leanne Weber, made the following comment:
"I am finding it hard to believe that this "choice" is a happy, wonderful alternative lifestyle when they show one of the wives crying just about every frame - including the one who isn't even a wife yet!"
I so agree. Why go through all this grief if you don't have to? Not to mention, it's abominable. On with some standout quotes from last night's episode:
Robyn: "Going from 3 kids to 15 is kind of overwhelming at times..." [immediately bursts into tears when saying this...]
Christine: "My gosh, Kody, it's your 13th child! Born on the 13th day!"
Robyn: [while their little girls play with Barbie's] "They've been fighting over the Mommy dolls, cuz we have four Mommy dolls."
Robyn: "Remember you girls need to take turns playing with the Daddy doll!"
Kody: [to the OBGYN doctor,, laughing] "the business I'm in is kids..."
Aspyn: "Seeing my mom give birth was...kinda weird."
Meri: "When you have 20 people it's pretty much chaos...especially when most of them are kids."
Robyn: "I have to say Brown chaos is really special."
Meri: "I always wanted to have a big family...always wanted to have a bunch of kids. I guess I just went about it a bit differently."
Meri: [to Kody] I just want you to acknowledge that I have these jealousy issues...and if I were to be giving attention to another guy how would it make you feel?"
Kody: "Obviously it's not something I'm comfortable with imagining. The vulgarity of the idea of you with two husbands or another lover sickens me. It seems wrong to God and nature and I understand it seems somewhat hypocritical but I don't know how to get around it. Me answering this question....there's no way I can win. I feel like I'm admitting that what I'm doing [in courting Robyn] is completely and utterly unfair.
Kody: [speaking of his and Meri's daughter, Mariah] "There's a chance that just because she's a polyg kid she's not going to get a recommendation..." [from the governor to get into the Naval Academy in Annapolis]
Kody: [to Mariah] "going into the military is a big's like...............marriage."
Robyn: "When I see the longevity of each relationship it encourages me and makes me think...okay............... this is stable."
Meri: [referring to Kody] "I don't think that he understands me a lot and what I'm going through. And I'm not saying I understand everything he's going through, but...I really want him to understand."
Meri: [bawling] "If I were to ever think of my family of 21 right now down to just a family of 3 that would be so................ empty." [more sobbing]
Kody: I want to say that I'm sorry in this process that heartbreak happens". [to Meri as she is sobbing]
Kody: [to Meri] "I have an idea. A 20 year anniversary present. I actually think that maybe we should go ahead and do in vitro fertilization. That would be our 20th anniversary present."
Meri: "Well, do you want me to say how I really feel about that? I don't see the point."
Kody: I haven't been told in a strong enough fashion yet that no means no yet."
Meri: Even though Kody and I are in a polygamous relationship, we can live happily ever after too."

I actually tried to watch that show the other night but it made me so angry I had to change the channel. Don't these women know they deserve better?
Although they say whatever they think of to show how 'happy' they are, the tears just show the amount of stress that they are under.
And sometimes I just feel like slapping Kody in the face.
I agree with Kathryn....turn it off.