The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...
If you are in a difficult situation and wondering for the sake of all concerned if it would be easier to keep things to yourself...the answer is NO. Now, before I go further, please go read this.
I'll wait. I'm absolutely begging you to go read it. Seriously, if you're going to understand this post you have to go read this link and then come back to me.
Okay, now that you've done that, let me just rest my case that it's a bad idea for you to keep some details to yourself. Open up to a few trusted friends about what you are really going through. We are designed by our creator for at least a few close, accountable relationships. My friend reached out...but not far enough. As you can see by the comment stream below her post...we reached back, but didn't push hard enough. Sometimes we are just a "listening ear" for our friends or we respect what they say without a challenge when one is needed. There's a time to listen, also a time to speak up. I wish I had another chance to make this right.
I made a facebook page for my friend to honor her memory. Here's the link. It's under, "A tribute to Deborah Hosmer Meyer" if the link doesn't work for you just do a search on facebook. I know many of you blog readers do not know her. However it would make me very happy if you join the group on facebook just to honor her memory. I am not sure why but a previous page set up by a family member to honor her memory was deleted. The silence is unacceptable. We who are friends are raising our voices, for her memory must be honored. She leaves a legacy of encouragement and love for women all around the world, and we will not forget her nor will we be silent. The last 24 hours I've been going back and reading all her blog posts and re-posting some of them on the memorial page, being blessed all over again by her insights.
Thank you for joining this group, even if you didn't know her. I want you to know she affected me and so many others and so in that way, she affects you because our lives were changed. A few months ago on her blog she was speaking about leaving a legacy and she wrote this: "An act of love and kindness may not change the course of history but if it changes the course of someone’s life it’s worth it."
She did change the course of my life and many others. Thanks for honoring her for it. And thanks for making a decision to not be a recluse, to not hide when you're in private pain, but to tell someone before it's too late. You aren't alone...really.
I'll wait. I'm absolutely begging you to go read it. Seriously, if you're going to understand this post you have to go read this link and then come back to me.
Okay, now that you've done that, let me just rest my case that it's a bad idea for you to keep some details to yourself. Open up to a few trusted friends about what you are really going through. We are designed by our creator for at least a few close, accountable relationships. My friend reached out...but not far enough. As you can see by the comment stream below her post...we reached back, but didn't push hard enough. Sometimes we are just a "listening ear" for our friends or we respect what they say without a challenge when one is needed. There's a time to listen, also a time to speak up. I wish I had another chance to make this right.
I made a facebook page for my friend to honor her memory. Here's the link. It's under, "A tribute to Deborah Hosmer Meyer" if the link doesn't work for you just do a search on facebook. I know many of you blog readers do not know her. However it would make me very happy if you join the group on facebook just to honor her memory. I am not sure why but a previous page set up by a family member to honor her memory was deleted. The silence is unacceptable. We who are friends are raising our voices, for her memory must be honored. She leaves a legacy of encouragement and love for women all around the world, and we will not forget her nor will we be silent. The last 24 hours I've been going back and reading all her blog posts and re-posting some of them on the memorial page, being blessed all over again by her insights.
Thank you for joining this group, even if you didn't know her. I want you to know she affected me and so many others and so in that way, she affects you because our lives were changed. A few months ago on her blog she was speaking about leaving a legacy and she wrote this: "An act of love and kindness may not change the course of history but if it changes the course of someone’s life it’s worth it."
She did change the course of my life and many others. Thanks for honoring her for it. And thanks for making a decision to not be a recluse, to not hide when you're in private pain, but to tell someone before it's too late. You aren't alone...really.

We have not heard from the children yet. We have sent letters however from the looks of things they have not been on to answer their mail in a while.
Will keep you posted.