After a long day I'm headed to a sectional ministers meeting tonight. I'm exhausted. It's a good thing our presbyter makes things interesting and it will be a worthy meeting to drag my butt of the couch this evening for.
Before I do, here's a list of a few more things I love...my friends, you've gotta look on the bright side every day!
I love banana blueberry pancakes! (I make them home made. Just make regular pancake batter, then I smash up one banana and mix in, plus throw about 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries in the batter. Mmmmmm....)
I love the people I work with.
I love the Dearborn girls and I know they are reading this right now.
I love candles.
I love naps.
I love when my dog greets me at the beginning or end of the day.
I love Africa.
I love the smell of grass that has just been cut.
I love Clorox wipes. They make life a lot easier.
I love my bed.
I love Speidino DiMare and Filet Mignon Bryan at Carrabbas.
I love Bath and Body Works Moonlight Path
I love the Psalms
I love Wonder Woman
I love flip flops and have at least 10 pairs.
I love cupcakes!!!
I love silver jewelry.
I love back rubs. Well, make that whole body rubs. Yeah.
I love OPI nail polish.
I love laying on a blanket at the beach.
I love snuggling with my kids.
These are a few of my favorite things. I know some are repeats. It's a good thing to re-count your blessings, and name them one by one...