Hello Pastor Deanna! Well, we can't get enough of all the blessings God poured down on us Sunday starting with such a wonderful church and pastors!!! We love you sooo much! You and Pastor are one of a kind. We would love to be there for the [missions] banquet. Me and my WIFE were talking about it and she said she'll bake a chicken or turkey...she has signed up with Janice. We can't wait! Thank you again for all that you do...attached are some pictures we wanted to share with you and Pastor Larry from our honeymoon. We love you!
So is it totally amazing or what that they not only took time to write and send me these photos but that they were actually love their church so much they were thinking about it on their honeymoon? Man, that's dedication for sure. lol
I also love how he capitalized the word WIFE. Yes, his WIFE...that has a ring to it...literally. :)
Does Angela look beautiful or what? Yesterday my sister Kim was reading the blog and called me and said, "Deanna, she looks like J-lo!" (Jennifer Lopez) Yes, indeed she's a beautiful woman inside and out.
We love you Angela and Bladimir...can't wait til' you get back and we're so glad you are having such a good time at Indian Rocks.