“Did you seriously just cut in front of me in this Wal-mart line I’ve been standing in for 20 minutes?”
"Lack of preparation on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part...“
“Somebody get me a Paris tea! I’m ready to ring someone’s neck…”
At times when I get my flakes frosted about something, I quickly rattle off a twitter something like the above. In 140 characters or less, I get to spout off to any of my friends listening at their computer or on their mobile about whatever is irritating me. I don’t use twitter for this all the time of course. Most of the time it’s to share fun tidbits of info about my day or what I’m thinking. But occasionally I just want to quickly spout off. Usually it brings a funny or comforting comment from a friend or two.
When I’m angry my husband will sometimes see me texting furiously and he’ll say, “Are you seriously twittering about that?!!”
My standard response is, “Yes Larry…I’ve told you, it just makes me feel better even for but a moment…” Do you sometimes tweet when you’re ticked?