After life coaching I went to grocery shop and get things for our Father's Day dinner. We are going to be spending it with the Currie's and BBQ'ing. Larry requested that I make his favorite dessert, carrot cake, [a prizewinning recipe] and I made it today. It looks amazing, better than I made it last time. I'm not sure about why as it turned out right last time however this time it just seems exceptional so I just hope it tastes as good as it looks. I also made potato salad because he really likes my homemade recipe for that too.
Larry is going golfing this afternoon/evening and I'm working on the house, cleaning, ironing, returning phone calls & e-mails, laundry, weeding, and I'll take time in there to walk a few miles.
A woman's work is never done. I am so ready for a vaca.
Have a great Sunday morning!!!
And I hear ya on the woman's work. Many days I'm the first one up and the last one down! But it all turns out good, especially when your told you're the best Mom/Wife in the world!:)
Ruth, PA