Gloria Steinem
There are some people who won't really see the value of this quote and dismiss it, focusing exclusively on who said it rather than the meaning. That's a shame.
What does it mean? Simply that a woman doesn't have to marry a man to achieve a place of influence by virtue of being married to him. Her own leadership skills can carve a niche for her, instead of having to rely on a marriage license. Gone are the days when women had to marry certain men to utilize their leadership skills. Now women can just become whatever they want to be instead of marrying what they want to become and living vicariously through them. Today women have opportunity to have the career they want, and marry for love instead of for hopes of achieving something in whatever field they are interested in.
This is becoming exceedingly clearer all the time in the secular world, but my hope is that young ladies in ministry will see this too. It will spare them a tragic mistake. They need not marry what they wish to become...they can just...become and then marry somebody for who they are and not what they do. What a concept!
I am one of those thriving woman who chose to adopt and still be single I have a great career and I have a great roll in our church _ right PD ? Women can strive and set their minds to anything and achieve anything
Ruth, PA