What ministers accomplish most weeks is nothing short of amazing. I have found that the quote, "your procrastination does not become my emergency" does apply in the business world, but doesn't apply when it comes to ministry. Unforseen things become our emergency in the pastorate unless we want to look like an idiot or lose a few first time visitors. I had at least a few hours notice last night that this morning will be a challenge, so now is my time to rise to the occasion.
Challenges like this typically put me in a tizzy. But I am now looking at these kinds of things as opportunities instead of obstacles...a time to rise above rather than to rail against. For so long I've gotten so depressed when unforseen things have happened that threaten the effectiveness of a service, but lately I'm taking the point of view that I can use these kinds of things to shine and show just what I'm capable of. If I'm not cut out of the same cloth so as to drop the ball, then I also have to be cut out of a different cloth so as to be able to solve things when it drops for some reason. (Maybe that's the real meaning of being a person "of the cloth", ha!) As Mike Murdock says, our value is determined by the problems we solve, not the ones we create.
To be extraordinary you have to do just that...something extraordinary. In ministry we have opportunities each week to do something extraordinary because the unforseen is always happening.
Don't lose your cool, just get out there and shine and show them you're indeed a person of the cloth...a completely different kind of cloth .
p.s. Um, i'll let you know how I do on this first experiment of rising and shining rather than railing and ranting when I do my weekend wrap up blog tonight or in the morning. :-)
Ruth, PA