This morning I had a client meeting (career coaching) followed by a planning meeting with some on our management team and after that I headed out to treat myself to a mani and pedi. I sat there and savored the whole thing.
Larry took Maddie to the vet today for the little patches of skin she's been scratching. We thought they were fleas and kept treating her but today we found out they are not fleas. They are demodex mites and evidently this is a condition not passed to humans nor found in your home, but it's just something that dogs get that is hereditary, passed to them from their mother. (Thankfully we don't have to worry about treating the house, our furniture, clothing, her kennel, or other things like that - we just have to treat Maddie.) They said it's a common thing that puppies get and we have about four or five medicines to give her to get rid of it. I'll be glad to see this over with because I have felt sorry for her with all this scratching she's been doing and the fact that she has little patches of hair loss all over.
Following the vet visit we met up with our dear friends Jim & Janice (who moved here from MD to be with us...I've blogged about them before) and we went to Tarpon Springs together for greek food, fun and festivities. They have never been there before and they LOVE all things greek just like we do. In fact, our fav thing to do with them back in Maryland was to go to downtown Baltimore to eat at the Acropolis. We both missed that so much when miles separated us and now here we are able to do it together again. Yay!!
Larry and I are maximizing our time off together this evening because tomorrow we won't be together much. He will be at the church working all day on the new playground. It's very exciting!! Our church just had a $12,000 - $15,000 (yes THOUSAND) playground DONATED to us!!! Yes, our kids are going to be able to enjoy this AMAZING equipment at no charge to us. A very generous donor who cares about kids gave this to us. But our men do have to put the thing together and it's going to be quite the undertaking. They do it tomorrow starting at 9 am. So Larry will be there all day and I'll be working at home on quite a few projects. Then Sunday's comin' around again and I tell you, it's going to be another amazing one at Northside so everyone had better buckle up!