I wasn't able to blog earlier about plans for today although I fully intended to. I'm late in posting because last night I got sick and remained so until a little after noon today.
Last night my family went to see Star Trek along with our friends, the Currie family. My head started aching a little bit during the movie. On the way home it turned into a full blown migraine and I was holding my head all the way home, wanting relief. All night long I was sick and woke up all through the night, nauseated, and sick. I remained like that until noon today and was hoping so much to be better by the time we had to leave for my gift from Larry (at 4:00 pm) Thank God I got better!!! I think my body was just responding to some stress I had gone through earlier. Anyhoo...
Tonight Larry and I went on a double date with our friends, Bernie and Lisa Currie, from church. It was a mother's day gift to Lisa and I, and we had dinner at Maggiano's and then saw Amy Grant in concert! It was amazing.
Amy sang some new songs that she just wrote for her album that will be forthcoming and they are AMAZING...so deep lyrically. Some of Amy's best work. I am so excited for the project to come out so I can load these songs onto my Zune.
I am so thankful and blessed for this great evening and I take joy in him doing something so wonderful for me. Thanks babe!
Much love,