Second she pointed out a necklace she wanted me to try on that went over your head instead of using a clasp. I said, "I really don't want to put this on my neck. I can tell already that I hate it." And she said, "just try it, just try it." I said, "ok, WHATEVER!" But first she had to snap a photo of me wearing it on my head like this. She said I'm a true child of the 60's/70's. (GRIN)
I'm spending some precious time on Fun Friday with Larry tomorrow and then it's back to work hitting it hard for Sunday. We are spending Saturday cleaning up some things around the church, setting up some stuff, and all kinds of last minute prep. I'm very excited for Sunday. I have quite a number of unchurched friends attending, some that I have prayed for a really long time. It's a day of divine appointments! I can't wait.
Thought I'd say hi. I reeaaallllllyyy want to move to Tampa. If that ever happens, I think I will have to check out your church.
Happy Easter!
C'mon over! I do have to warn you though...while your Mother IS the "dignified and refined Pastor's wife" (I am crazy about your Mom -- she rocks!), I am not. lol
So you just might want to put your seatbelt on when you come to our church...
Does your mother know you want to move to Tampa? I'm sure she does and might be heartbroken. She would miss you terribly. I know her girls mean so much to her, although I have never met you she speaks of how proud she is of you.
Blessings ~ Deanna
~Kim Jones
Yeah, maybe if I were younger and could get under the door I might try it! But probably would get stuck and it wouldn't be a pretty sight! LOL