First, she has encouraged her son to go to night clubs and have one night stands and is saddened that he is not having any luck. Second, she is considering sending him to a brothel if she can't find someone to have sex with him soon through the dating scene. Third, I am sure these people are not Christians, however what happened to LOVE? Even for someone who has no religious affiliation, I find it appalling behavior. Why isn't she encouraging him instead to find a friend and then ultimately a mate -- a wife, and allow the plan to unfold in that way?
For those who say that he probably wouldn't find anyone, I disagree. First, there are cases of people who are not disabled marrying disabled people. (Joni Eareckson Tada being just one famous one - although she does not have downs, she is a quadripligic and is married to a completely healthy man who she married AFTER becoming disabled.) Second, I have heard of several cases of downs syndrome individuals marrying others also with downs syndrome that they are acquainted with from various schools or social groups they are a part of. What a beautiful story of love and commitment that would be, but THIS??! This is wacked.
Just when you think the world can't get any more bizarre, a story comes out like this.