We are taking a few days off with my in-love's being here. Yesterday we got the kids off to school and then ate a very late breakfast. Larry cooked it and it was delicious. Actually it was more like a brunch, but I set the kitchen table with another set of my china and a special teapot.
I went to get my hair done later in the afternoon and at the same time Larry, his parents and Savanna went to Home Depot to get everything for her room makeover. She is like her momma -- has a hard time deciding things, and almost drove Larry and his parents to a mental breakdown going back and forth making her final selection of stuff.
When finally getting home from my hair appointment. and some errrands, I started putting the finishing touches on dinner and making my homemade apple crisp. (By the way if you haven't tried that recipe -- you need to. I am not even a huge apple crisp fan but I sooo enjoy this recipe especially this winter it's been good.) A little bit later we all sat down in the dining room to what I think was an amazing meal! The stuffed peppers that I made from the night before plus a salad and bread. So good.
One funny thing happened...you know the "stickers" that are on veggies or fruit? Well, I accidently left two stickers on the peppers and we got a good laugh over that. Somehow in washing and prepping them I missed those two out of the tray that I made. Savanna said, "that's okay Mom, it won't hurt us, it's just more fiber!" After cleaning it up I had to run another errand to pick up some tickets for my mother in law and I to go somewhere special this weekend (can't wait to blog about it!) and then Savvy and her grandparents got started on the primer for her room. She picked some good colors -- a bright green and a hot pink and the walls will be in these two colors with trim. Her room was this purple color prior to this makeover. In addition to the new colors we are going to put down some new flooring. When we moved in, the previous owners left us the tiles to do her floor but in all this time we have never gotten to it. Larry plans to pull up the carpet and put the tiles down. Then some very kind friends from church gave her a big mirror for her wall. I think it will look really great when finished.
Last time Larry's parents came they did the boys rooms and this time they are doing Savanna's. I guess it's sort of tradition -- we do a project when they come. They love doing things like this. And they are good at it, whether it be painting or wallpapering or what have you. While they're working on that, I think I might do a small project in my kitchen this week but we'll just see what I have time for. If I get to it, I'll also post pictures of that. You know, we go for long periods of time without doing anything like this but then when we start working on stuff like this it seems like we get on a roll and do a lot at once.