My in-laws (I hate to even call them that...they are more like "in-love's" as I'm thankful I have their love in my life and they really are the best...) got here last night. They flew in from Maryland and by the time they got to our house it was about 11:30 pm. It's so good to see them. I am excited to have them here for a week. They will be with us at church tonight! Yay!
Last night we stayed up and talked til' real late, even the kids and we told them they'd just have to go through the school day sleepy for this time. They don't mind. Last night Savanna went to sleep with her cell phone in her pajama pocket. When she rolled over it called our house at 5:30 this morning, twice! We couldn't figure out what was going on. Finally when she woke up this morning we figured it out. It's something to laugh about now but when it happened it was rather confusing.
My mother-in-law is so in love with Maddie...she's become smitten just like I am. This morning she's already taken her for two walks. This little bundle of joy is getting so much attention, it's amazing. She is so blessed but so are we.
The pressure is on now especially once the confessions start pouring in - lol
I love ya!