It is going to be glorious to have them close to us once more...to have Janice's brilliant mind to bounce things off of all the time and get her wisdom up close (never met another business woman like her -- EVER), and to have Jim's amazing tenor voice and so many other wonderful things about them. Most of all, I am just glad to have "them" as just dear people...to say they are loyal and supportive of us would be the understatement of the century. Anyway, for all of you friends who have prayed that this would finally come to pass..............THANK YOU! We have so many precious memories together from years gone by but now we will have more "in person" ones to add to our storehouse.
Yesterday was a busy day at the office. We have been getting projects done as we always are, sometimes more so than others. They guys were painting along with help from Dennis and Rick. Those men are amazing. Pastor T and my husband also steamed cleaned the carpets in the nursery and the fellowship hall. I had a rehearsal with Eddy for Sunday morning...we are doing a duet that's been on my heart to do for a while and we're going to go for it this week. He and I also took a little field trip yesterday morning to see another project at a local church that we were interested in for Northside. Can't spill the beans here on what it is, as it's still not public. Anyway, we are real excited. I have a few special projects going on right now (like 4 or 5) that are "surprises" for church that I have to keep under my hat and it's hard! There are some things going on in our church that I just want to burst about right now, and holding it in is just about driving me insane...........as well as a few other leaders who are having a hard time being quiet too, but it's all part of "the plan"!!!! Other than all that, I had a ton of work to wrap up yesterday afternoon in prep to be in Orlando a few days next week for Inspire conference which I'm preaching at. When I'm gone a few days one week it makes the workload heavier for me the week before and after.
Once I finally got home I made spanish chicken and risotto for dinner. Savanna was feverish again, unfortunately. We sent her to school today thinking she was better. She was well enough to go to church Wednesday night. We thought she had come through whatever this is she has, but when I got home from work yesterday, her face was red as a beet and she was laying down very lethargic and said her science teacher said she should have never come to school. (Wow, that really makes me feel like Mom of the Year!) Seriously, I thought she was alright and didn't want her to miss. She is on the honor roll and works so hard to keep her grades up and I dont' want her to get behind and she'd already missed 2 days. We are having to keep her home again today and I'm confident that after the weekend she'll be better. Not sure what's wrong, we think it's just the flu. This has happened to her twice before in the last year or two and when I take her to the doctors, they charge me a lot of money to tell us to give her tylenol and have her drink a lot of liquids. *sigh* So we've just been trying that, along with lots of sleep.
Today is "Fun Friday" and I'm sure we'll be with Jim and Janice as they get settled and spend some time together and get a little quiet time to ourselves in between taking care of Savanna. How she feels will really determine what I do today, so we'll see. Thanks for your prayers for her.
I will also pray for Savanna. I can't believe how much health care costs anymore! Regardless, she needs better.
BTW I love the "Go ahead make my day" quote in the 'Poo Post'. :-) I laughed real good on that one!!!
Love ya