I can't remember the last time I didn't blog, in fact I don't think I've missed a day since I started publicly blogging years ago. I do say publicly because realize, I was blogging before blogging existed! I just did it in private journals.
I still have the private journal for the posts Larry would kill me for posting. :-)
I was simply too busy yesterday to have a few seconds to sit down and write. I was literally in motion from dawn to bedtime and I'm so glad our office is closed for MLK today because I could really use a break after yesterday.
Saturday night was busy unpacking and prepping last minute things for Sunday and talking to Lar. Then yesterday my day started as it usually does on Sunday...at the crack of dawn. I am up way before the sun rises and ready and heading for the church at 7:30 am.
We had a good service yesterday and best of all, my son played the piano for the altar call, and I did not! Yes! You'll never know how happy this made me. He led worship by himself Friday night, using both the piano and the guitar, while I was away in Sarasota. Everyone raved about it. I'm so glad because it's giving him the confidence to do it more on his own and Momma is getting a break. I want to pray with the people more and him being at the keyboard will free me to do this. Halleluiah, is all I have to say to that one! Not to mention, he's really, really good! He needs to use his talents fully for the Lord. He is just so critical of himself and unsure many times that he is truly "good enough" and thinks I give him all the kudos I do because I'm his mother. He often says to me, "you have to build me up like this and say all this stuff because you're my Mom. Moms do that." Well, while it may be a Mom's job the truth of it is, I am being sincere in my comments to him. He really is talented.
After service Dustin and Casey ran the fine arts practice (they are leading fine arts for our teens now) and Larry and I headed to a new restaurant we just love, Cafe Fresco, with the Rivera's and Ruiz's, two A-MAY-zing couples in our church. We had such a good time we didn't want it to end but we had to leave to get ready for our newcomer's night. Straightening up the house had to be done as well as some food purchase and set up so we did that and just in the nick of time before our guests arrived. Speaking of food, Jordan had this special Steelers ice cream cake made for his Dad last night. He works at DQ and he actually made this ice cream cake (assembled it) but his manager decorated it. He was so proud. He called and said he had something special for his Dad and that it would be used for newcomer's night. He brought it home right before the evening began and everyone enjoyed it. As you can imagine, Larry is ESTATIC that the Steelers are going to the Superbowl!
Newcomer's night was really fun...we had a great mix of people last night and I don't think I've laughed so hard in a long time. Mike, a newcomer to our church has such a great sense of humor I can't wait til' our stand up comedy night at the church because he's just perfect for it.
I'm glad I have today to re-coop and tomorrow will start with a bang catching up at the office.
About my health, tests have all come back negative, PTL, and I have an appointment with the specialist on the 29th for my stomach. However...I am finding some relief from a unique source! I have been taking all kinds of different OTC meds and none of them are really touching the pain. However I googled cures for this ailment, seeking anything natural that might help me besides the power of prayer which I have already been pursuing. One thing that came up was honey. The instructions were to eat a teaspoon of honey whenever I was hurting, and especially one teaspoon before bedtime. Evidently honey has enzymes and healing powers in it that help the stomach. Here's another article about it. Would you believe this is the only thing that has given me some relief? Seriously. I notice a remarkable difference! So far I only did this Saturday night and Sunday but I am noticing a change. I have now stopped taking all the OTC's and am just doing honey for a while. Someone else also told me vinegar that you get from the health food store but I haven't been to the store yet. I plan to pursue that as well. Thanks readers, for all of your suggestions and prayers.
I know that you probably missed posting a blog yesterday. It kind of becomes part of us - doesn't it?
By the way, love your new design on your page...Laurie
P.S. I sent you an e-mail answering the question you posted on my blog ;o).
I am thankful that the tests came back negative and you are feeling better-
I just want to tell you that Dustin did an amazing job Friday and Sunday morning- I am truly amazed at the talent He has given Dustin- and I am also glad this will give you an opportuniy to minister to others at the alter
Your crazy friend over at The Wonderful Diaperheads!