Today is "Fun Friday" ~ our day off, and I'm not exactly off today but it's going to be a fun evening! I am hosting a party tonight for all of the women of our church at my home. This is the first of several Christmas parties I'll be having for various groups. We have lots of ladies signed up. Many of our new women will be coming and I am really looking forward to it.
There are a lot of things that have to get done before tonight. I am so behind in many things due to being away in Africa and then arriving home to prepare for Thanksgiving immediately. Several chores have been pushed off for a few weeks, so I will be tackling those today.
I already made up a batch of my famous chicken salad last night to make sandwiches tonight among the many other things that we'll have. We have got a variety of things coming including wassail, other sandwich trays, meatballs, cheeses, veggies and dips, trays of Christmas cookies and various desserts and so much more. Mmmmm...arent you getting hungry now just hearing about it? Will let my you know how it goes tomorrow, and hopefully post pics!