Today I was doing multiple weeks of work which means several weeks worth of preparations in paperwork, teachings, e-magazines, yada yada. You name it, it all must be done ahead. Amongst that time we did carve out time for a nice staff lunch together. I miss being in the office with the staff but we are all so close we usually hang at each other's houses during the break anyway during part of the time.
After work tonight we came home and I made myself a lean cuisine and Larry got a bowl of cereal. Today I have been able to stay 100% O.P. (on program) which is a MUST, not just after Christmas or the New Year, but I am at such a 9-1-1- in my weight status right now that I have to get with the program right now, not a week or two from now. The scale has spoken...loudly.
Larry wanted to go to the movies tonight so we went to see Yes Man, the new Jim Carrey movie. He's my favorite comic. If you haven't figured it out, we are a movie-loving family. So much so that my son works for Cobb Theatres and is absolutely wild about his job. We get free tickets to go anytime we want so it's something we do often. One reason I am so nuts about movies is that I was never allowed to go growing up, and now I make up for lost time and see every movie I possibly can. I never lose the joy of it.
I have another full day at the office tomorrow to try to wrap things up in time for Christmas and if I do I might even take Christmas Eve off during the day until we have to go in late afternoon to prep for communion. We are almost done our Christmas shopping but not quite. Tomorrow night will be the night for that, I presume. I'll be so glad to have it all done. Somebody remarked the other night about the great amount of gifts (already wrapped and there) underneath our tree. There are a lot but I explained this is the time my kids get all of their school clothes and stuff. I generally don't buy anything at the start of the school year except their school supplies. All of their shoes, socks, underwear, t-shirts, pants, shirts, yada yada yada get purchased for Christmas. This is it for the year, so at Christmas time is when they get their yearly supply of everything and I wrap each and every thing (or rather Savanna does it now, ptl!) including the little things so that it's more enjoyable to have more to open. Aside from that they do get one "toy" they've been wanting (their toys are different and more expensive now that they have gotten older) but mainly for Christmas they get their supply of what they need as far as clothing and such. Not that I have to justify it to anybody, but I guess some people might think we are millionaires if they see all the myriad of stuff that's wrapped underneath our tree, and a few people have commented. No, we don't have that much in the bank accounts, but in spiritual things, yes we are millionaires and more.