In other news...Psalm 34 was on my mind when I woke up today and I read it to the choir believing it was for several people today. I know the Lord has His hand on our people and all of their needs. I choose to trust Him.
God moved in the gifts of the spirit during worship ~ always so welcome. The theme of the whole day from worship, gifts of the spirit to preaching, all meshed together in a beautiful way. Love when that happens!
We had a choir dinner and I ate two helpings of lasagna. So much for going on program today. :-) Well, I was going back OP on Monday so I guess that's alright. I have been craving Italian food like crazy since I got back from Africa. Why Italian versus anything else I do not know but I have wanted pasta, pasta, pasta. Tom also brought me a cherry pepsi today and hid it so no one else could get to it before I did. :-) Always nice to have folks watchin' out for me, ya know? (Thanks, Tom!) I actually brought it home and enjoyed a nice glass in the quietness sitting in front of our Christmas tree when I got home from rehearsal. Little things like this make me happy. Really folks, it doesn't take much...I am honestly a relatively simple person. (Some of you are thinking, yeah, right, but honestly if you really know me you know this is true. Little things make me happy, and also if you want to know what I'm thinking or how I feel, just ask. I'm not a game player, I just state it like it is in a straightforward way. Thus, the "relatively simple" label I just gave myself.)
Before I get too serious here, it's time for me to sleep again...g'night for now. Sleep tight my dear friends. I have a lot of good ideas on my mind I want to blog about and when I get the energy I can't wait to! I am actually taking vitamins but wondering if they are placebos. ha! ha!
random thoughts.
Love ya