Yesterday was dedicated mainly to decorating the house for Christmas. I like to do it the day after Thanksgiving unless something prevents us from doing so. It was also Larry's birthday, however we still did both things on the same day. By the way, the carrot cake I made for his birthday was awesome! I highly recommend the recipe to everyone! See yesterday's post for the details.
This year I added another tree to the mix in our house. This means we have three trees right now. I could just keep adding trees forever which is a story in itself that I won't go into here, but suffice it to say we have a new tree over by the kitchen table/desk area that has blue lights and silver decorations.
Here's a beautiful photo that Lourdes took of the front of our church lit up. You can find more of her work here. Pastor Trinity oversaw the decoration of the outside last weekend while I was away in Africa and my husband was away at the youth convention. Great job! I love to see the church decorated for Christmas.