Here are the rules: grab the graphic and insert with these rules, in your post. Give at least 5 reasons why you love your hubby. List more if you want. Tag 5 people (or more) to play along and link to their blogs in your post.Then visit those women’s blogs and leave them a comment on any of their posts. Now that I have shared the rules, it’s my time to share my reasons:
1) He is a man who loves God.
2) He loves me.
3) He's a partner with me and is comfortable with me walking beside him, not behind him.
4) He loves our children.
5) He's a good provider.
6) He always remembers special occasions such as my birthday, Valentine's Day, our anniversary, etc. He has NEVER in 22 years EVER forgotten one.
7) He is my defender, always.
8) He's very sentimental.
9) He keeps my dreams and goals "as important as his very own" (as he said he would in his marriage vows to me -- that he wrote.)
and last but not least...
10) He's more yummy to me today than ever...he's the jelly on my biscuit! :-) Crazy about that man, especially in a black suit. He can hardly get out of the house when he wears one...
I know that was ten, not five, but I'm giving my man double kudos!
Ummmm...I think I'll tag: Leanne, Melissa, Cathy, Erika, and Debbie.
1) My husband was radically saved from Christian TV and we grew in the Lord together from the start!
I was on a university calendar at age 19 and he wasn't after my body, so I married him :)
2) He's always loved me for my mind not the crack of my behind :)
Seriously, he loves me for my heart. As newly weds, he told me he's a "heart man" when I asked: Are you a leg man or boob man?
3) He's a great father!!!!!
4) He's very humble, meek, and patient but has authority.
5) He is very handsome and takes great care of his health!