I got a ton of initiatives done today as I always do when I work from home. I would say probably 2/3 of my written work for this week, as I really pounded away at it this morning. It's kind of a relief to start the week this way as I have to start working on messages for my Africa preaching trip and I'm way behind and would you believe the trip is just a little over a month away? I know, I know, I can hardly believe it!
I'm preaching in Wachula tonight and Cathy is going with me. It's about an hour and a half away and the service will probably end around 9 pm but we will stay afterwards for the fellowship they are having. I never, never just "preach and run." I think it's important to stay with people as long as I possibly can. Once we get on the road I'd say we'll probably get home about midnight but Larry will be here holding down the fort as usual. (And Tom at Cathy's house...) I'm looking forward to a great night. I know the Lord has something very special in store for the women of "Florida's First Assembly"!
Ta ta for now but I'll probably be back to blog when I get home because I have such a hard time winding down after a service. I'm just too stoked! And besides that I'm still basking in the awesome day we had yesterday. Go God!