Stat counter reveals a ton of things to a blogger, and one of those things is how people find you in the first place. After noticing on my stat counter that a ton of regular readers who read my blog every day "google" or use other search engines with my name each and every time to find it, I thought it was a bit ridiculous for you to have to do that. It's clear why you can't remember the address... (http://www.lifetimeintimateportraitds.blogspot.com/ -- what was I thinking when I did that?!) So, I decided to simplify for your sakes and anyone else who wants to very easily find me. Yes, it's time we become more user friendly around here.
You won't have to google me anymore to find my main blog.
From now on the address of this blog is simply: http://www.deannashrodes.com/.
You can still find it here at this old address for a few days but thereafter it will automatically be re-directed to the new address. Right now my other blogs (Equal Time and Psalms of a Woman After God's Own Heart) will all have the same address that you can get to from this page on the sidebar.