Alright, stop the chastisement. Remember, "there is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus..." (lol)
Seriously, why am I starting yet another blog? Well, first let me say I am not sure I'll post in it every single day. Keep in mind, none of my other blogs are everyday ones. But here's the reason behind it:
My first blog had a psalm like quality, in that it was the personal cry of my heart day to day. Good or bad, it was first person to the extreme, between God and me, but available for public viewing. Over time as I switched to blogger and started this blog you are reading now, my daily blog evolved to focus on ministry, work, family happenings, social issues and many other things. It lost the intimacy factor that I missed so much, yet I didn't want to do away with my new style of blogging either since writing about all of the things I write about here are important to me. Evidently others thought deem it worthy of reading too, so I'm not going to change the focus of lifetime intimate portrait.
Although I do have a private journal reserved for the most intimate of communication, I did want to get back to having a public blog simply for writing my own heart cries to God. This is basically what the Psalms are -- David's intense and intimate communications with God, with the whole world listening in. We are so blessed by the Psalms because we realize...we're not alone. Somebody who was known as the "person after God's own heart" went back and forth between saying, "Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me," to asking God to "break off the teeth of the enemy." Ever had days like that? I have. Plenty of them. Life is a rollercoaster ride. David blogged it and now we know we aren't alone or crazy. Psalms are intimate heart cries, yet there is value in others peeking in on the depth of that kind of writing because it gives them hope that others in life have the same ups and downs they do...and through it all, God is faithful.
So I'd also like to invite you to venture over to this blog, "Psalms of a Woman After God's Own Heart." Warning: it's an extremely transparent blog. If you have your head in the sand that pastors or their wives ever have questions, doubts, fears, depression or that they get really, really angry at times...you may not want to read it. But for those who dare to read...come on in.
Also. i tagged you for a meme if you have time. :)
love ya girl