Right up front in the beginning portion of the service, four people accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord! Worship was off the chain! God is up to a lot of stuff right now -- good stuff -- and we are taking some major steps forward.
I'm starting to look forward to waking up in the mornings again. Some of you know this is really a significant change for me in these past few months. I just ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers. Everything isn't solved yet, but we're on our way.
This is also a really busy week for me and I covet your prayers just for that. Monday night I'm preaching in Wachula. It'll be a real late night by the time I get home. (I'm coming back home the same night.) Tuesday in addition to my regular work I'm teaching some piano lessons and then that night Larry and I do "America's Prayer Meeting". I'll get home around 4 am, maybe a bit later. Wednesday night I've got Fusion service. Thursday I leave for fall breakaway in Orlando and get home Saturday night. Sunday is church. Somewhere in between there I'll breathe.
In the midst of all that, Savanna is sick. It never fails that my kids get sick when I'm under a pressure filled week like this. Cathy noticed at the end of leadership meeting Savanna was warm and looked lethargic. I took her temp at it was 102. I immediately got her into a cool shower and gave her Motrin. Not sure what's wrong with her yet but well find out tomorrow. It's a good thing, such a good thing that Larry and I are total partners in this thing or I'd be up a creek! We'll juggle things back and forth to take care of the babe until she's better and do what needs to be done. Between the both of us we keep the bases covered at home and church.
Larry has been doing well training for his upcoming 5 K race. He has been running nightly. He wants it to be easier to this week he's eaten mostly salads trying to drop some more weight to make running not as strenuous. I'm proud of him.
Time to sleep...I'm so tired but it's such a good tired. The last thing that happened tonight was our leadership meeting and it was a great one! Someone wanted to bless our leadership tonight by providing steaks for our dinner meeting. They were huge thick cut delmonico steaks that we did on the grill. I pulled all the china out and we had a nice dinner. Most everyone was here except for one two who had vacation and an emergency. We had a full house. I had to use a few sets of china. Great meeting in re-capping our victories this past month, solidifying plans for the Friend's Day and then talking about the Mark Batterson's Manifesto from In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. Great discussion. I love our leaders! They are like family.
Tomorrow is another day but I'm going to sleep well tonight, basking in the memory of this great day.
We are crazy good group of people
Doing the wave with you girl! Be looking for an email from me today with some "news"...