Thoughts from today:
I had an incredibly busy day ~making breakfast...
getting the kids off to school (back into the routine)...
reading Streams and my Bible...
getting to work...
busting through a few Unstoppable initiatives quickly with Cathy...
Going to a sectional credential meeting...
heading to staff lunch where we had a meeting about our upcoming friends day...
rushing home for another appointment...
and then tonight catching up on all the work I missed today by being in the sectional and staff meeting. I had to get at least 3-4 projects on my weekly list done or tomorrow would be just a horrible pile up.
I have Jordan's senior portrait appointments tomorrow...can't risk having a pile up of work...gotta keep it moving...
Ahhhhhh...finally time to take my contacts out, get my glasses on...put my feet up and watch some TV with Teeb.
I'm tired.
Didn't blog last night, just too wasted, but from a real good day. In a nutshell:
- Real good service Sunday morning. Killer choir song...
- Cooked lunch
- Took power nap
- Put finishing touches on house for leadership meeting
- Had great leadership meeting...planned next friends day!
Ordered our tickets for upcoming Africa missions trip! (yes!!!)
Remember the other day I was giving the insights from the life of Ezekiel? Well one thing you note about his story is that even when circumstances were crushing in upon him - in fact - when he found out his wife was going to die the next day, he still just got up and went to work. Yep, he was a prophet. And he just kept prophesying. The brother got up and went into the prophetic office the next morning. Can any of you relate? I sure can.
Unstoppable is coming so fast it's unbelievable. Just trying to put the finishing touches on. Excited, but wanting more time...can't wait to see everyone, but also longing for a bit of rest. It's been a long month. I'm going to savor seeing those I love at Unstoppable.
Then I'm going to breathe.
At least for a few days.