I woke up this morning knowing that our plans were to go to breakfast with my family and then to Ft. DeSoto beach. I was looking forward to going and spending another day at the beach with my sister and her family, but as my eyes opened this morning, I felt the heaviness of some things with work upon me. I thought, “Lord, you know what has to be done and even though I worked myself to the bone before my sister arrived so I could take this time off, how can I possibly relax with this that I have to do?” I was concerned, because I’m up against a certain deadline right now that is weighing on me like a ton of bricks on my chest. Well, guess what happened…???
A few moments after waking up I logged on to my computer and checked my mail. There was Tara Sloan…telling me she had basically been working for me already, doing exactly what I would have spent my time doing today had I not been on vacation! The Lord sent me a friend to work FOR me. Amazing. I didn’t ask, I didn’t even tell her I was thinking about this today, but she just did this as a blessing to me. Tara, you’re the best. Your help this morning enabled me to leave my work behind for another day, go to Ft. DeSoto, float on my noodle and get some rest.
What a day! We ate breakfast out this morning and then I introduced my sister to my favorite shopping place – Bealls Outlet. Then we headed to Ft. DeSoto Beach and it was such a beautiful day. Two things happened at the beach this week that were so funny. First, my nephew got a custard cone (I love frozen custard! Addiction Pastor T got me started on) and Cody had this piled up custard cone and right when he purchased it, a seagull swooped down and ran right into it, ruining it! Ugh! (They gave him a new one right away, free.)
Second, today I was getting ready to lay out in the sun for a while and sleep (it was so wonderful!) and I prepared to lay on my stomach. This necessitates me digging two holes in the sand so I can comfortably do that. (Is this TMI?) A lady on a nearby blanket that I don’t know bursted out laughing and shouted, “Ahh haaa!!! Look at her, she’s got to do the same thing I have to do! She has to dig two ______ holes!” I’m thinking, “Um, announce it a little louder lady, New York can’t hear!” (LOL) We had a really nice day together on the beach, staying til’ sunset, diving for sand dollars (Jordan got about 100 of them at least, no exaggeration!), floating on noodles, laying out, feeding seagulls, walking the beach, and more. I got a walk by myself in at sunset and nobody was around and I walked along singing, “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” by Hillsong. It was just on my mind today and I was worshipping to that, and just talking to the Lord throughout my day whether I was walking on the sand or out in the water by myself for a while.
I love the Lord and am grateful for all of His many blessings on me. I am giving Him thanks and glory for each and every thing I see daily around me that is praiseworthy, and even things behind the scenes that can’t see that I know He’s doing without my knowledge. While I was I prayer today, I thought of Tara going to work on my behalf and I felt the Lord say to me, “While you were sleeping I had already set it up. Relax.”