Here's Dustin's heart he made in the sand for Casey. She was supposed to come yesterday but she got sick. (We missed you, Casey!)

Started out raining this morning but by the time we got to the beach it was so beautiful. Did I mention how much I needed this day? Thank you, Jesus.

We got home tonight and Larry said, "we need to do that more...on our day off." Mmmmhmmm. I agree.
Thanks to all of you who are continuing to pray...I love you all.
I saw a little sign in a shop today at the beach. It said, "I don't just believe in miracles, I'm counting on them." My feelings exactly! In the same shop they had a little box for prayer requests. I wrote mine on there and dropped it in the box.
If you've sent me an e-mail, I'm behind on answering them with taking some vacation days, but please know I've read them and I'm encouraged. I'll answer asap. Please know, you make a huge difference.

Blessings and hugs!
I'm glad you got some "beach therapy". Wish I was there with you too. In any case, God has his arms wrapped around you and I'm sure he has many blessings for you!Still praying for you...