The PF Women Team at our Annual Team Retreat ~ 2018 Today on Seth Godin's blog, he said: It's tempting to decide to make a profit first, then invest in training, people, facilities, promotion, customer service and most of all, doing important work. In general, though, it goes the other way. Yes, it does. If you are waiting to make a profit before you do these things, in my experience you're not going to make a profit. So many organizations, ministries and churches are struggling with financial issues. I know your pain. As anyone who follows our story knows, our ministry was in a ton of debt four years ago when I came on as director. Since that time, we've gotten out of debt and turned a profit every year. God has done amazing things through out team, for which we give Him the glory! I find that what Seth is saying here is absolutely true, with one disclaimer. For Christian leaders, spiritual disciplines must always be first. Before we started i...

Okay, I've been writing about really serious stuff here on the blog for several days and it's time for me to lighten up a bit, so I'm going to write things you'd never know about me, unless I told you.
1) When I was growing up, I always cried at the end of every episode of The Incredible Hulk. Seriously. That show breaks me down to tears. Reruns of it still do. I guess I'm still growing up.
2) I have been waiting to see the Hulk in theaters currently because I want to go with Lisa, so we are coordinating our schedules to go when I can go with her, box of kleenex.
3) I like fried bologna. I know it's terrible for you. I usually only fry it up when I'm depressed and binging.
4) If I am uncomfortable with a group of people or in a situation where I don't want to deal with a conversation,I just clean. Nobody ever gets mad at you for cleaning, they just think, "oh, what a saint" and let you go on your merry way, or say, "hey, wanna come to my house and do that?" It can get rather interesting though when you try this at Applebee's or at somebody's wedding reception. (I've been offered employment on the spot more than once. I'm thinking, "are you kidding? I don't want to be on the payroll here, I just want to get out of an uncomfortable situation, so give the table rag back to me and skeedaddle!")
5) Riding on rollercoasters that go upside down or leave my feet dangling throw me into "that time of the month." Seriously. So I don't do them. Who wants that? "Hey Deanna, wanna ride this rollercoaster?" "Uh, hold on let me make sure I'm wearing protection and prepare myself to have cramps for 5 days..." Noooooo thank you.
6) I don't watch movies featuring Michael Douglas anymore. Too many unholy thoughts invade my head. I'm just sayin'.
7) I can't stand to have any wax in my ears.
8) I don't like made up jokes or stories. There are so many hysterical true stories, I never run out of them to tell and I never tire of hearing other people tell theirs! I love stand up comedy when people are just sharing their real life experiences or observations. But as soon as somebody says, "Two guys walk into a bar..." or "So there was this priest, a rabbi and a baptist minister..." I just tune out until they talk about real life again.
9) I get cold easily so when I go to the movies I take my little fuzzy rose blanket and a pair of socks in my purse. I really don't care if anybody thinks I'm a nerd when I pull out my socks and blanket, although I usually wait til' the previews start to pull them out.
10) You know those big round racks in clothing stores? I hid in one once to avoid a meeting/conversation. I didn't dislike the person nor was I upset with them. They're cool. Just didn't have the energy for the conversation at the time. Life is about choices right? That day I chose the clothing rack.
Long story for a serious blog one day.
1) When I was growing up, I always cried at the end of every episode of The Incredible Hulk. Seriously. That show breaks me down to tears. Reruns of it still do. I guess I'm still growing up.
2) I have been waiting to see the Hulk in theaters currently because I want to go with Lisa, so we are coordinating our schedules to go when I can go with her, box of kleenex.
3) I like fried bologna. I know it's terrible for you. I usually only fry it up when I'm depressed and binging.
4) If I am uncomfortable with a group of people or in a situation where I don't want to deal with a conversation,I just clean. Nobody ever gets mad at you for cleaning, they just think, "oh, what a saint" and let you go on your merry way, or say, "hey, wanna come to my house and do that?" It can get rather interesting though when you try this at Applebee's or at somebody's wedding reception. (I've been offered employment on the spot more than once. I'm thinking, "are you kidding? I don't want to be on the payroll here, I just want to get out of an uncomfortable situation, so give the table rag back to me and skeedaddle!")
5) Riding on rollercoasters that go upside down or leave my feet dangling throw me into "that time of the month." Seriously. So I don't do them. Who wants that? "Hey Deanna, wanna ride this rollercoaster?" "Uh, hold on let me make sure I'm wearing protection and prepare myself to have cramps for 5 days..." Noooooo thank you.
6) I don't watch movies featuring Michael Douglas anymore. Too many unholy thoughts invade my head. I'm just sayin'.
7) I can't stand to have any wax in my ears.
8) I don't like made up jokes or stories. There are so many hysterical true stories, I never run out of them to tell and I never tire of hearing other people tell theirs! I love stand up comedy when people are just sharing their real life experiences or observations. But as soon as somebody says, "Two guys walk into a bar..." or "So there was this priest, a rabbi and a baptist minister..." I just tune out until they talk about real life again.
9) I get cold easily so when I go to the movies I take my little fuzzy rose blanket and a pair of socks in my purse. I really don't care if anybody thinks I'm a nerd when I pull out my socks and blanket, although I usually wait til' the previews start to pull them out.
10) You know those big round racks in clothing stores? I hid in one once to avoid a meeting/conversation. I didn't dislike the person nor was I upset with them. They're cool. Just didn't have the energy for the conversation at the time. Life is about choices right? That day I chose the clothing rack.

Too funny! Love how honest you are all the time on here! smile
Love ya,
I wanted you to know I put an in-post link to you today. In a Good way. I don't think it's something for you to worry about. If it bothers you, and you don't want it in this post, just say the word!