Seriously, I'm sorta just zoning out after getting my work done and reading others writings and I'd like to point my readers to some other people who are saying some great, profound things. Here are my shout outs for today:
At the top of my list is Perry Noble's blog (I read it everyday...fantastic stuff) and today is no exception. I know I'm only one of thousands of pastors who eat his blog up like candy every day. Not only is he one of the greatest pastors who teaches on leadership that I've ever heard, he is also one of the funniest. Today's blog on being pleasing is a winner. And I love his quote: "Opinions are like rear ends. And most of them are incredibly large and stink!" I'll have to tell Larry that one. He always says, "Opinions are like noses, everybody has one..." but I sorta like Perry's quote better.
Debbie Shank also had a great blog today about thorns. Specifically Paul's thorn in the flesh and how it relates to each of us. Awesome word.
And last but not least, Craig Sloan has been cranking out some incredible posts lately that have been so timely. His post today , "The Father is Proud of You" is no exception.
There is a lot of other great stuff being published on my fav blogs but these are just three I really noticed today. Enjoy.