I don't have any "profound" thoughts today to share but trust me, Cathy's birthday is profound, because she's profound!
Side note: what's with my use of the word profound yesterday and today? Well, certain friends of mine are always saying that I come up with these "profound" things to say and quite honestly I don't see them as that - I just share "life" and "thoughts". But if somehow it ever comes out sounding profound, well, I'll take that! Praise God for it. That's grace...God's grace!
Back to Cathy...
She and her husband Tom have been with Larry and I from the beginning although she hasn't always been our assistant. But I knew in my heart for a long time that she would have this job. I think she did too. Well, although a job it's not really a job -- it's a ministry.
Cathy's heart is so tender and she loves the Lord immensely and it shows. She has a heart for Jesus, for people and for Larry and me. I do have to say that in all my years in ministry I have called some places and gotten a rather mean sounding church secretary or assistant who made you feel like you had just called some crap-o government agency and not a church. I'm sure some of you can relate. Why in the world some chose to work in a church I'll never know. And honestly, Larry and I have also had our own experiences like this with people we didn't hire but inherited at one time and oh dear Jesus... I'm sure those of you who are pw's can relate. There is absolutely nothing like a faithful, loyal assistant who truly has your back.
Anyway, today was our day to celebrate our loving, faithful and loyal assistant's birthday. She's not just my assistant, she's one of my closest friends. We love spending time together. But to show you how unassuming, humble and sweet she is -- when I came out of my office with a birthday present for her today she hugged me and and in a sweet little quiet voice said, "oh PD, I didn't expect you to do anything..." Well, we don't have to, but we want to. I'm so glad the good Lord chose to bring Cathy to the planet!
We went for lunch to celebrate her birthday at Mimi's Cafe. The other night I was on somebody's blog and they talked about the 5-way grilled cheese at Mimi's so I tried it. Yes, I do know it's a zillion WW points, but we'll make up for it. :-) It was really good. I didn't eat the whole thing. I gave Cathy a part of it and brought the other part home in a box.
In other good news, do the happy dance with me...I got offered a freelance writing job today...it's not much financially but every little bit adds up especially in these economic times! Best of all it's doing what I love to do best ~ writing about pastoring! What a blessing. This came out of the blue unexpectedly...I didn't ask for it or see it coming. I love when that happens. God is so good. I haven't wrapped up all the fine print details on it yet but when I do I'll make sure to let everyone know where to go to read the stuff I end up writing for this publication.
Savanna stayed at Morgan's today and the boys worked and came to church separately so Larry and I just never left working at the office today. Got lots done but still have more to wrap up tomorrow for the weekend. Hopefully we'll get it done so we can have another day off this Friday.
We have church tonight and then we are bringing Celeena (Pastor Trinity and Misty's daughter) home to spend the night with us. We've been promising her a sleepover. She gets so excited to come to our house and we just love her to pieces.