Or do you want to make a difference?
I know one can do both. Quite a number of people have throughout history. But I'm not sure about how many do it effectively or at least without a TON of ramifications in their personal lives. How many people do you know besides Billy Graham and a very few others?
Some don't walk worthy of the calling and are associated with all kinds of questionable things.
Others do walk worthy of the calling but are constantly beat up in exchange for all the notariety they have.
Some people say, "I'd gladly go through that," but nobody really understands what those people go through unless they are them. I have had many people say to me, "I'd love to be a pastor or pastor's wife and I'd gladly go through whatever to live the life you do..." but honestly unless you have lived the life you really can't say with any degree of certainty whether you could handle it or not.
As for me, sometimes being the pastor of a few hundred member church gives me all the fishbowl existence that I need.
I have thought this through and truly, I want to make a difference. And if in some way I would ever become famous I guess I would have to have a huge amount of help from others close to me to navigate through those waters. But I don't thirst for it. I think if a person becomes famous it's almost better that they do after they are gone (being remembered for something great) rather than going through the negative consequences of fame while they are alive. What do you think?
Today I googled a few famous pastor's names that I really admire. Then I saw all of the websites and blogs dedicated solely to speaking against them and trying to discredit them. And I thought, "hmmm. no thanks."
Being a spiritual mother up close and personal really appeals to me, not to mention it's what I'm called to do. I'll just make a difference.
Ok, I must admit, I didnt get pass the first line - that's a deep question and one to ponder upon.
Ok, now I'll finish reading - LOL
hmmm lots to think about.