As for me I worked today and God is giving me fresh vision and dreams for a lot of things. Nothing deep to share yet...I've been working on so much and my brain is a little fried, so I'm just going for an easy meme tonight that I got from Pastor Leanne.
1) What is your favorite day of the week?
I'm with Leanne on this one. Friday. I love what I do, however - I love to sleep!
2) How do you usually do your hair?
I put a lot of product on it and blow dry it out straight.
3) What is your favorite item of clothing?
My African dress.
4) Where would your dream vacation be?
London with my husband.
5) Who is your favorite author? book?
Besides the Bible, too impossible to narrow down.
6) How often do you log on?
I am usually constantly logged on either at home or the office although I am not always sitting down at my computer.
7) What is one of your favorite internet sites to visit?
So many. But my favorite one right now is Perry Noble's.
8) Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, absolutely.
9) Healthy snacks or junk food?
Along with Leanne, I am a WW member. Obviously I have a problem with the junk and have to try to stay away from it. I "prefer" the junk but it's not good for me. So it's a never ending challenge to choose what is right for me. My favorite junk food -- potato chips. My favorite healthy snack -- low fat cheese.
10) Are yo a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl. Totally. I am creative and do some of my best work at night, then crash and absolutely adore sleep...when I can.
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