Ladies and gentlemen, Pastor Craig Sloan has hit one out of the ballpark AGAIN today!
I'd like to direct you all to his blog for some great teaching. There are just certain seasons in my life where Craig Sloan has opened his mouth and preached, or e-mailed me a word, or they've called, or he's written something and it has been so on target like an arrow. The past few weeks, Craig has been cranking out some stuff on line that has just been like gold in the spirit. Of course his wife, Pastor Tara, has been my good friend for years and a blessing beyond measure.
Please go and read his latest post today.
Favorite parts of today's post, for me were...
- When you are anointed and remain faithful in preparation and process, the Father will cause someone to point you out for greatness. As soon as Jesus received the affirmation of the father, he was driven into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
- The first thing satan did was say "If you are the son of God?" In other words temptation, trials and testing are attacking your identity.
- The war is always over your identity. But when you know who you are and whose you are, no devil in hell can stop you. You are unstoppable!
- Result of Identity: They may take your coat of favor, but the favor is not on you, it is you (Joseph).
- Every time they take your coat, God is fitting you for a better coat (Pharaoh's coat).
I'm shouting Craig. Just keep knocking them out of the ballpark and we'll keep running around the bases shouting! :-)
I am so proud of him and what God has been doing in and through him! This is some GREAT stuff.... if I may toot his horn for him!
Shanita Waters