Tuesday is my day to work from home. I’m getting home so late, and hitting the sack in a moment. I’m definitely going to sleep in before I get up and attack my church work. I'm so exhausted but God is sooo good! It’s a “worth it” exhausted. I believe if you’re gonna be exhausted, you need to be exhausted for Jesus!
We had a great time we had! God ministered so mightily in the altars through word of knowledge, wisdom, prophecy. Awesome stuff. I’m am totally drained, like I normally feel after a time in God like that. So good. Afterwards, Irene (pastor’s wife) said, “Wow, those ‘words’ were so on target, it was amazing!” God never ceases to blow my mind with how He works. He is an amazing God! And what a group of women who were hungry for the Lord! That makes all the difference. The proof of desire is in our pursuit.
Larry and Savanna were with me tonight as well. They normally don’t travel with me but wanted to go tonight. Savanna took care of the book and CD table. She loved doing it. I'm also so glad they were with me because we saw Sam and Tamara as well as Annelise tonight -- they came to the service. Such a blessing! (FYI to readers who don’t know - Sam is one of our former pastoral staff members who we still think very highly of and keep in touch with. He was a staffer that we could trust implicitly and we just appreciate he and Tamara to pieces. Their family was/is a real blessing to us. In fact, we helped them get the position at Eagle Lake and would help them anytime in the future as they were nothing but 100% loyal to us and still are. A pastor never forgets things like that, you know.)
We didn’t get out of the service til’ 10 pm but we went out afterwards with Pastor George and Irene and their girls. I say girls but they are young adult ‘20 something’ daughters, actually – one is the youth pastor at the church and the other works in their church school. We went out to Applebees. The girls convinced me to try the boneless wings as they raved about the honey ones. We had a good time talking, laughing, joking with their family as usual. They are such a fun family and we had loved getting to know them and spending time with them over the past few years. I love Bethany’s sweetness and sincerety and Becca’s boldness and humor. Both of them love the Lord so much and it’s so evident.
I am extremely blessed by what the Lord did but will be so glad to be having a good night’s rest in my bed. I need it so much. I would just be overjoyed if it rained while I was sleeping. We are in rainy season and the past 3 days it has rained and when it does that while I sleep I just love it. I get such good rest. Maybe it will happen tonight, who knows.
One thing I do know, the Lord rained upon us at church by His Spirit and we had a time. I wore my highest heels (probably a mistake!) but just kicked ‘em off at the end there in the altars, and kept going. I love those kind of times!
God is using your ministry in such a powerful way.
Blessings to you my friend.