Larry took the guys of the church on a camping trip this weekend to Camp Oklawaha. They had a phenomenal time canoeing and such. I have watched a few short videos and it looks like a blast. While he and
Jordan were away (Dustin was working) Savanna and I worked ourselves to pieces here at the house. Larry was amazed when he got home at all that we got done. I did a lot of deep cleaning including our walk in closet, the van, our bedroom, Savanna's bedroom, and did about 6 loads of clothes, plus had a crockpot of one of his fav things -- hot sausage, peppers and onions on for him when he got home. Unfortunately he came home stuffed from the campout, so it went in the fridge for him for tomorrow. That's one thing he'll eat as leftovers. (As a general rule my husband hates leftovers except for stuff like spaghetti or hot sausage, etc..)
I worked until the last moment that I could work today on household things, sorting, throwing away, scrubbing, bleaching, and all that stuff until I had to shower and get ready for Joel Powell's 40th birthday party. It was awesome!!! It was a surprise party and was right after the men's campout. He and Sheri are huge "Survivor" fans. Sheri rented a bunch of inflatables like an obstacle course, jousting, bungee run and did a full blown Survivor party complete with eating weird foods. It was hysterical. No one knew what foods were under the lids until they removed them and Savanna and Britney had sour gummy worms (not too bad) but Tom and Jordan had two barbequed BATS. (Yes, I'm SERIOUS, real bats...) Ew, gross! (They wolfed them down. Jordan won. Pastor T would be proud.) For those who are wondering where in the world you get this, believe it or not there's a place here in Lutz called Hot Rods that sells barbequed bats. No kidding.
It was a reallycreative party. Jordan says, "Mom, that was THE MOST fun birthday party I have EVER been to in my entire life!!! Sheri and her sisters organized it well and everyone had a great time. The only mishap of the night was Teri injured her ankle while jousting with Sheri (her twin sis for those of you who don't know them).
Sheri's Dad made meatball subs and I'm telling you they were the best ever. It kept getting on my face while I was eating it and Lisa would say, "PD, it's on your face and finally I said, "don't tell me again til' I'm done because it keeps getting on there, I will just wipe it off at the end." (LOL) Meatball subs are one of my fav things EV-ER. Would you believe Lisa had NEVER had one until tonight? Seriously. Until tonight she was a meatball sub virgin. LOL
We gave Joel a dress shirt and tie (he likes to dress up) and you know he's one of the singers on the platform and when we went shopping Jordan saw a Donald Trump brand tie that he liked and thought Joel would like so we got him that with a black shirt.
Here are a bunch of pictures from the night. Savanna sure does love the babies. Little Jacob just warms right up to her each time he sees her, too. We are a church blessed with many babies. I just love them too...sometimes I miss having a baby, and I know some of you think I'm crazy...
but I really do! Hey, I'm really not too old, I mean after all Joel is 40 years old with a newborn... although Larry would NEVER agree to any more kids (I've already asked him) and plus that it would be a physical miracle since we're both fixed. I have talked to him about adoption and he says, 'ARE YOU CRAYYYY-ZEEE?" Yes, I am. Many times, I am, I admit it.
By the way, we have a practical joke on the burner for Northside in the morning. Everybody who was at the party is in on it. Can't wait to pull this off. Just wait!
In other news, Teeb is catching up on his hockey game that was Tivo'd while he was gone and then he's coming in to spend time with me. I've already got all the candles lit. Yippee!