(Hey, I'm just providing a laugh to my fellow peeps out there who are endeavoring like Larry and I are to bring the full counsel of God's Word --or to even open the Bible in our service in the first place...ahem ahem...) That's all I'll say about that. Really. Not commenting other than that, publicly. (To any of you pastors/pw's who have no idea what I mean or do know and want to talk to me about it, e-mail me privately...thanks.)
Today was a full Saturday but a good one. I got up to take Savanna to the JAM walk-a-thon this morning and go teach my women's life coaching class. Good times. I like life coaching. I think those in the class do too. :-) (An excited teacher tends to make for an excited class.) Opening God's Word and breaking it down in a way that people can apply it to everyday practical life? AMAZING FUN.
Savanna and I came home and we had lunch with Larry. He had just finished shampooing the carpets at our house. He does it every few months to keep them as clean as possible. Being that we have off white carpet in our house (not our choice, it was here when we moved in) it's really difficult to keep clean especially since our home is grand central station to so many. In fact we're having extra kids spend the night tonight as usual and tomorrow night we'll have all our leaders here for our monthly leadership dinner/meeting. While he worked on finishing off floors I tied the loose ends up on our message tomorrow. He asked me to tag-team it with him in the morning and we're doing a message called, "Perceive the Blessing." It's gonna be good! (Well, if I didn't think it was gonna be we wouldn't be preaching it...) LOL
I am excited about tomorrow morning...I have felt good about my Sunday School teaching for in the morning as I was preparing it this week, and now our message that we're doing together. Buckle up, Northsiders!
Along with getting the final touches on the messages for in the a.m., I've been making chicken salad and iced tea and stuff for our leadership meeting. Everybody brings a dish to share and that's just what I'm personally doing but we always have a really nice potlock dinner or "share a dish" as I call it. I have stopped calling it that because one of our leaders, Adam, thinks it's funny that I call it that and he brings an empty dish to the meeting, as a joke, to pass around. (GRIN)
Larry is having some friends over tonight to watch hockey. I'm going to ride my bike a few miles, shower and clean up, have dinner, get our clothes lined up for in the morning and then sit in my special chair (seen here) and read or watch a little TV and chill out. I love rocking chairs! Always have.
Do you have a special chair in your house that you like to sit in to read or have conversation? This is mine. I usually sit in it for any significant conversations I have - it helps me think better. The little pink bear that you see in the chair was given to me recently by First Lady Melissa Sutton, who writes over at Melissa's Quiet Time Cafe. And the little pillow that says, "Friends are family one finds along the way..." was given to me by my friend Pastor Tammy Young in Sarasota, FL who doesn't have a blog but probably should. :-) Love you and appreciate you, ladies.