His insights are hysterical and so true. My two favorite posts so far are one he wrote about people who feel good when they see the pastor's kids mess up. There are people who are actually glad when that happens because for some reason it makes them feel better about themselves or their kids. Sad, but true. My other fav is one he wrote called "Using Let Me Pray About It as a Synonym for No" . It's about people who, when you ask them to help/do something, tell you "I'll pray about it" when they know they are going to say no. They are just buying themselves time to go home and write you an e-mail telling you no, because it's easier to rattle off an e-mail than face you in person. His posts about dating God and bald worship leaders also had me rofl.
This dude's writings are so funny and I haven't read his whole site but I have read quite a bit of it and have to say, 99% of what I've read has been so accurate it's uncanny. Enjoy the entertainment, folks.
Checked out the blog and you were right, while funny it's so true. Thanks for sharing, he really have some good reads - cant wait until later to read more