I’m back home now and walked three miles as soon as I got home. Then I got to working on the loose ends, going over my notes again for tomorrow, clothes ready, house cleaned and ready for leadership meeting tomorrow night. We have the meetings at our home so I have to have everything in shape at home and ready to go and we share a meal together beforehand so even though most times everyone brings a dish to share, I have to have everything set up for dinner such as plates, cups, napkins, flatware, drinks, yada yada yada. It’s something we do every time and although it’s work I don’t mind getting everything together for it because I believe so much in the importance of hospitality and also time for fellowship with our team.
I am stirred with an extra special appreciation and love for Larry today…just feeling how blessed we are to have each another. Most would never understand the relationship we have. Even those who are closer to us still have no idea what we are to one another. Some things are just unexplainable. I love my Teeby.