God’s love is unconditional but it’s about one of the only things in the Bible that is. I’d have to comb through the entire thing to see exactly how many things come without condition but let’s just say there aren’t many others if any! Except for His love just about everything else comes on a condition. Time and again God says IF you do this, THEN I’ll do that. The Bible is full of tons of other “IF YOU/THEN I’LL’s”.
Pastor Ed Young talks about HNL’s (what he calls “hole ‘notha level’s) If we want to go to a new level, if we want to live at a new level, it requires something. God just doesn’t go around doling out HNL’s to just anybody.
Throughout the Bible we see various groups of people. There are the virgins that had their lamps prepared, then there were the foolish ones. There were the people who got in the ark, and the people who stayed behind and were drowned. In the parable of the talents there were those who used their talents wisely and those who did not. The examples go on and on of groups of people who made different choices and hence received different outcomes.
In these last days in the church there will be a remnant of people who choose to take God at his Word – to come out of their lethargy and go to an HNL – a hole ‘notha level!
By making the choice to fast and pray you have placed yourself in position for a HNL. You have chosen to take II Chronicles 7:14 seriously. Now you need to have an EXPECTATION of what God will do, like never before. You have made a seriously awesome decision and an HNL awaits you! A level of living that you have yet to experience awaits.
HNL’s and revival do not come cheap. New levels and revivals come at a price. When we are willing to pay that price, what’s on the other side is incredible, the very best of which is an intimacy with God like never before. Hopefully you are starting to experience that by now.
Welcome to the HNL!