An update on the Pastoring Partners web site has been a long time coming. Those of you who are regular readers, I apologize that it's been so long overdue for an update. But finally, it's ready! I spent my day off today from church ministry getting the final touches on the PP site to get it ready for upload. (Special thanks to Teeby who fixed the glitches in uploading it...he's my Superman.)
Although the web site is all new and updated, our message boards remain the same. Here ministry women all over the world find a place where others understand...where they can connect.
To check out the new site, go here.
Special new things to note are podcasts from me as well as a link about our Unstoppable Conference for women in ministry, which happens here in Tampa Bay in September. Tell every pastor's wife and woman in ministry that you know about it. They will be changed forever by the weekend!
p.s. all of you on my blogroll who are pw's or women in ministry have been added to my new link page on pastoring partners. Hopefully you'll get even more traffic to your blogs from it. (((hugs))) to all...
Have an incredible weekend.