I'm getting to the point where two of my kids are going into young adulthood and it's such an interesting place to be. It's fun, adventurous, and downright scary sometimes. At times I just cry out to Jesus, "please, just let me get these kids safely to adulthood." It's not easy being a Mom but any of you who are Mothers already know this information.
We all have our ups and downs as parents, walking the tightrope between discipline and love. Sometimes they've been so mad at me and I've responded with the famous line so many Moms have said..."that's okay, hate me now. You'll thank me later." Such a hard place to be. But knowing that as the years go on your kids not only love you, but still like you...and actually want to be with you, or be like you......well, it's monumental. I realize it's a precious thing. Not everyone gets along with their parents even as adults. I want to share something with you all today that Dustin put on his Myspace yesterday. Apparently I "rool". By the way, the mis-spelling is intentional. Dustin is a writer and pretty much a grammar policeman. Okay, he wrote:
Momma, you pretty much rool. I look up to you more than anyone. You and I are very similar and it has made it easy for you to not just be my mom but also one of my best friends. I trust you with my life and with my problems. You are very wise and very understanding. I hope to one day be as talented as a writer as you.
Wow, is there any greater compliment than to hear that from my kid? That'll keep me going for the next few months, AT LEAST!