I made myself a cup of tea as soon as I got there and decided to catch up on the bazillion work e-mails that have been calling my name to answer before I delved into my other work. I saw that the Assemblies of God women in ministry "Side by Side" Newsletter was in my inbox. This is for pastor's wives and women in ministry. I always enjoy it. Usually it's featuring somebody like Darlene Betzer (one of my heroes - I love that woman!) or Peggy Musgrove or someone equally as motivating. I thought, "yippee! I'm going to start my day by reading this and get a boost of inspiration...I wonder who they are featuring today?"
I was looking for something fresh, something new to invigorate me (and yes, I had already done my devotions that morning...no tsk tsk from any of you, please... ha ha!) but I do have to say when I opened up the newsletter it was all old hat to me. Nothing new. Nothing fresh. I could have told you everything that was said before I opened the thing up because...I wrote it! (LOL)
Yep, I was the featured writer today and I didn't know it was going to be me. They had asked me years ago about this article I wrote on leadership (it was also in the AG's Enrichment), and sometimes they purchase articles but use them years later. This was the case with this one. As you can see by the article if you read it, it says we've been in ministry 17 years, but we have been in ministry 20 years. I guess I had submitted this 3 years ago and it's been floating around their office just waiting.
Well today it made my day to open the newsletter and see my words there. :-) I think every writer gets a great blessing and feeling of accomplishment to see their words in print. It's like, "hey, somebody besides me, my husband and my best friends think this is worthwhile stuff..." I got a kick out of it and went out into the outer office and told my colleagues at the church..."hey, open up your email and see who's on AG WM's news today!"
This is cool. My day consists of something besides a hurting tooth now. Ain't God good? I just wanted to share this with you, my friends. It made me smile and I know my true friends are smiling with me. :-) (Our successes are one another's successes in a covenant friendship.)
You can read the newsletter yourself by clicking here.
Congratulations on having your work posted in the newsletter. You are an awesome writer and I know it must be rewarding to see your work published. Keep up the good work!