Larry and I went with the staff today to Rock the Universe Summit/Conference in Orlando. It's for youth leaders however the leadership teachings at the Summit are good for any leader, not just youth leaders. This is something we've attended every year here and it's really good. They have teaching up until about 3 pm and then the rest of the day/evening you can spend (for free) at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. They had four teachers today, but by far Ed Young was the best...he really rocked. I so enjoyed his message. More on it (possibly) later on tomorrow or later this week when I truly have a brain to think about anything with any degree of depth. Right now I'm fried from riding rides, (although I didn't ride anything really wild) and WALKING - most of the afternoon/evening. We went to Uno's on the way home, and laughed way too hard about way too much.
A fun time was had by all...but now it's time for me to sleep.
Got a full day of loads of paperwork and writing ahead of me plus making Jordan's birthday cake... oh my, I just realized, since it's after midnight, it's already his actual birthday. He turns 17 today. Can you believe I have a 17 and 18 year old?
And I'm so young. :-) LOL